Heavy winter rains caused roof leaks, ceiling and plaster damage and extensive flooding in the basement garage of the Cellucity Head Office  at 212 Buitengracht St, Cape Town


Here’s how Master Crafts Men swooped in and saved the day from top to bottom.


Waterproofing The Roof Terrace of Cellucity Head Office

The roof terrace of Cellucity was no match for the Cape winter. Excessive leaking into the office below had caused ceiling damage. Mastercraftsmen waterproofed the roof terrace by sealing it, repaired the water-damaged ceiling and hey presto – the office below is dry and functional again.


The Flooding Basement

By far the biggest existing challenge was the basement. Below ground, not only was it flooding when it rained, but there was moisture ingress to the building surfaces.

Mastercraftsmen tanked the basement of 212 Buitengracht St. This meant applying a waterproof agent to the building surfaces below ground level to eliminate moisture ingress.

“To deal with the winter flooding, though, we had to do subsoil drainage,” says MasterCraftsMen Head, Bodo Hoffman. “We actually make use of agricultural drain channels for water run off.” 


Ground Floor Renovations

The existing tiled facade of 212 Buitengracht St was removed, the wall was plastered, and painted. 


Exterior Redecoration

 The exterior elevation wall surfaces were in need of TLC. The plaster was repaired and the surfaces were painted, which gave the entire Cellucity head office building a much-needed facelift.


Find out more about waterproofing.


Get all the information on Mastercraftsmen, quality waterproofing, damp proofing, structural repairs, redecorators and bathroom renovators. 


WE are specialists in Cape Town City Bowl, Atlantic Seaboard and Southern Suburbs. 


Contact Mastercraftsmen

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Waterproofing the roof terrace and flooding basement at CelluCity Head Office Cape Town



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